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TenChat: больше, чем соцсеть

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الأعمال التجارية الشبكات الاجتماعية
المطور: VBC LLC

TenChat is a business social network for finding jobs, clients, and new connections! Over 3,700,000 users from 30+ countries have already created and filled out digital profiles that can easily replace a blog, resume, portfolio, business card, and even a website.

In TenChat, you turn time into money, connections into business, and personal growth. Heres what you can do on TenChat today:


Discover prestigious job openings, major contracts, and freelance gigs for any level in the "Marketspace" section. Choose remote work or local job openings — the built-in AI, TenGPT, can help you effectively describe your career track. Over 2,000,000 active job listings are already available for you to explore.

Fill out your profile and showcase your career, skills, and achievements — top HR specialists are already using TenChat to find candidates for the country’s largest employers! Upload recommendations from previous jobs and add a dynamic video resume to stay in the spotlight and not miss out on attractive offers.


Contacts lead to contracts! Connect with executives from over 7,500,000 organizations to close multi-million dollar deals and start productive collaborations.

Respond to freelance orders and earn by completing specialized tasks.

Recommend suitable candidates for job openings and receive a juicy bonus from the employer for a successful referral.

The Business.Tinder AI will match you with people for networking based on their position, skills, and key interests — among them, you’re sure to find potential clients, partners, and like-minded individuals for knowledge exchange and collaboration.


Post job openings and get access to a database of 3,700,000+ up-to-date digital CVs to build your dream team. No more paying for contact access to professionals.

Use 50+ filters to find suitable candidates in your region: hire someone full-time or outsource the job to a freelancer.


Share expert content. The best original posts receive tens and hundreds of thousands of views for free. You provide valuable content, and we provide the attention of an exclusive, financially capable audience, fostering the organic growth of your personal or corporate brand. Announce yourself in a new way!

Attract clients and partners from search engines! The “Athena” algorithm pushes original content to the top positions in search results, converting SEO traffic into real deals.


TenChat brings together true professionals with practical experience who freely share their knowledge. You can easily chat with a billionaire or a world-renowned specialist.

Customize your smart feed and explore quality content on IT, investments, tourism, marketing, design, startups, cars, painting, photography — over 90 topics to suit any taste.

Join the strongest and achieve more with TenChat!